March 1996

March 11, 1996
Dear SCAN members,

Our first SCAN fieldtrip of the year was delightful: tiny flowers of Cardamine, Veronica, and Lamium peeking out from the grass; gelatinous masses of frog’s eggs and bryozoons in the water; red maples and alders blooming overhead; kinglets, butterflies and tiger beetles flitting about in the warm sunshine. We walked two loops through sandy oak-pine uplands, deciduous woods, and lakeshore at Fort Jackson in Richland County, guided by SCAN members Bruce Cole and Ed McDowell, both of whom are employed as naturalists by the Fort. One Eastern Fence Lizard, found under a log, was so cold that he permitted gentle handling by several of us. Nest holes of red-cockaded woodpeckers in areas being managed for Longleaf Pine habitat were there, but none of the 6 pairs of endangered woodpeckers showed themselves. We are grateful to Regional Director Greg Mancini, Gary Sowell, Bruce and Ed for planning and conducting this trip.

Our next regular trip will be to the Flat Creek Dike are of the Forty-acre Rock preserve on March 23. Then we’ll have a President’s Special on April 13 to celebrate Andre Michaux’ discoveries. Details for both of these trips follow, so be sure to save your newsletter.

WARM: One of our members has established a non-profit foundation to support care of injured or abandoned birds and animals, and maintenance of those that are not adopted or that cannot be returned to the wild. The Waccamaw Animal Rescue Mission (WARM) in Conway is requesting help in the areas of Adoption and Sponsorship, Fundraising, and Repairs and construction. Cash donations are tax deductible. They also have a paid position open for a strong jack-of-all-trades who loves animals and doesn’t mind getting muddy and smelly. For full details and newsletter, contact Julie Finlayson, 3110 Barnfield Drive, Conway, SC 29526, or call Julie at 803-347-6583 or Sharon at 803-249-7637.

Hope to see you on the next SCAN outing.
Jan Ciegler, President

Flat Creek Dike–Lancaster County
10:30 a.m. March 23, 1996Flat Creek Heritage Preserve, named for the creek that runs through it, includes a very diverse set of habitats. The most famous is Forty-Acre Rock, a laarge granite outcrop with vernal pools that house a large number of rare and endangered plants. The area known as Flat Creek Dike also house a unigue geology leading to an unusual diversity of plants. The diabase dike that underlies the area is considered the thickest in the Americas. Its presence has created a neutral to basic soil that has a very different flora upon it. Nodding trillium, creeping phlox, horse gentian, green violet and yellow chestnut oak are found here. Also in the preserve are floodplains, a beaver pond, hardwood coves, waterfalls, small caves, and the open granite rock areas. This trip will feature the beaver pond, the floodplains, and the area over the dike. If you have never visited the rock area you might want to plan to come very early, or stay late to do that part of the loop trail. The dark rock of the dike itself is exposed in the roadcut on US 601 as you descend the hill down to Flat Creek when approaching from the south as most of us will do. It is the dark rock, after some red rocks, as you descend.

We will gather in the parking lot of the preserve in time to start walking at 10:30 a.m. Plan to carry lunch, drink, and insect repellent. Flat Creek Heritage Preserve is located off U S highway 601 between Kershaw and Pageland in Lancaster County. Leaving Kershaw, go north 7 miles from the City Limit sign and turn left on Nature Reserve Road. You will have just descended the long cut through the dike and crossed Flat Creek before you reach this intersection. There is a ’40 Acre Rock’ sign at the turn as well. The parking lot is 0.3 mile on the left. From Pageland, travel south approximately 9 miles then turn right onto Nature Reserve Road. It is just under 4 miles after entering Lancaster County. There are no facilities at the preserve.

From the Columbia area, an easy to find route is I-20 to US 521 at Camden. Come straight north through Camden and you will be on 521-601 headed for Kershaw. From the upstate, SC 9 into Lancaster, stay on the by-pass to SC 903 east and join U S 601 about 1.5 miles south of Nature Reserve Road.

Gaston County, North Carolina
April 13, 1996Join us for a very special SCAN trip on April 13th. We will follow in the footsteps of the great botanist Andre Michaux (1746-1802) to the site of his last great collection in America, the Magnolia macrophylla. The giant leaves should be unfurling in the little ravines and hollows along the creek where Michaux walked almost exactly 200 years ago. The site of Michaux’s discovery was lost to science until last fall. SCAN has a chance to go over the site before the professional botanists get there in May. If Michaux’s Stewartia is still there maybe we can find it first!

Our rally point will be Hardee’s in the town of Stanley, with the botanical site 3 miles away on private property. Some carpooling from Hardee’s will be advisable, because we will park on a pipeline right of way near the site. Be prepared to take your lunch with you and be ready for wet and/or muddy conditions. We will be on a floodplain and the horses that use these trails don’t care about the puddles or our sticky Piedmont red clays. As usual be there in time to be ready to go at 10:30 a.m.
DIRECTIONS: From Columbia, take I-77 north to Charlotte. Exit at N C 27 and go northwest about 18 miles through Mt. Olive to Stanley. We will meet at the Hardee’s in Stanley at 10:30.
From Spartanburg, take I-85 north to Charlotte. Exit at N C 27 and go northwest about 16 miles through Mt. Olive to Stanley. This is the longer but easier to follow route.
Or, exit I-85 at Gastonia on US 321, go north 2 miles and turn right on
N C 275. Go through Dallas, then 6 more miles to Stanley. Cross the railroad tracks and turn right on N C 27. Hardee’s will be on the left in about 3/8 mile.

Fort Jackson
Richland County, SC
February 24, 1996


Crustose Lichens:
Medusulina nitida
Bacidia schweinitzii
Pyrrhospora varians

Fruticose Lichens:
Baeomyces fungoides
Cladina subtenuis
Cladonia chlorophaea
Cladonia coniocraea
Cladonia cristatella
Cladonia leporina
Cladonia polycarpoides
Pycnothelia papillaria

Crustose Lichens:
Pertusaria paratuberculifera
Pertusaria texana
Maronea constans
Lecanora miculata
Lecanora cupressi
Lecanora varia
Lecanora hybocarpa

Foliose Lichens:
Bulbothrix goebelii
Bulbothrix goebelii f. minor
Candelaria concolor
Parmelina horrescens asidiata
Parmotrema haitiense
Parmotrema hypotropum
Parmotrema michauxianum
Parmotrema rampoddense
Flavoparmelia caperata
Canoparmelia caroliniana
Punctelia rudecta
Rimelia reticulata
Rimelia subisidiosa
Tuckermannopsis oakesiana

Fruticose Lichens:
Ramalina americana
Usnea strigosa

Crustose Lichens:
Buellia punctata
Buellia stillingiana
Buellia modesta

Foliose Lichens:
Physcia aipolia
Physcia millegrana
Heterodermia albicans
Heterodermia obscurata
Pyxine eschweileri
Phaeophyscia imbricata

Crustose Lichens:
Caloplaca flavorubescens
Ochrolechia africana

Squamulose Lichen
Psora sp.

Peat Moss
Sphagnum sp.

Haircap Moss
Polytrichum sp.

Slender Clubmoss
Lycopodium carolinianum

Pteridium aquilinum

Long-leaf Pine
Pinus palustris

Loblolly Pine
Pinus taeda

Pond Pine
Pinus serotina

Short-leaf Pine
Pinus echinata

Cane; Switch Cane
Arundinaria gigantea

Phyllostachys aurea

Blue Grass
Poa annua*

Three Awn Grass
Aristida tuberculosa

Beard Grass
Erianthus sp.

Broom Sedge
Andropogon virginicus

Yellow-eyed Grass
Xyris sp.

Red-berried Greenbriar
Smilax walteri

Bamboo Smilax
Smilax laurifolia

Yucca filamentosa

Field Garlic
Allium vineale

Black Willow
Salix nigra

Wax Myrtle
Myrica cerifera

Myrica heterophylla

Tag Alder
Alnus serrulata

Turkey Oak
Quercus laevis

Black Jack Oak
Quercus marilandica

Phoradendron serotinum

Mouse-ear Chickweed
Cerastium glomeratum

White Water Lily
Nymphaea odorata

Water Shield
Brasenia schreberi

Tulip Tree
Liriodendron tulipifera

Sweet Bay
Magnolia virginiana

Southern Magnolia
Magnolia grandiflora

Red Bay
Persea borbonia

Bitter Cress
Cardamine hirsuta

Drosera capillaris

Liquidambar styraciflua

American Sycamore
Platanus occidentalis

Alchemilla microcarpa*

Black Cherry
Prunus serotina

Chinese Wisteria
Wisteria sinensis

Winged Sumac
Rhus copallina

Cyrilla racemiflora

Ilex vomitoria

Ilex glabra

Sweet Gallberry
Ilex coriacea

Red Maple
Acer rubrum

St. Andrew’s Cross
Hypericum hypericoides

St. Peter’s-wort
Hypericum stans

Myriophyllum pinnatum

Black Gum
Nyssa sylvatica

Flowering Dogwood
Cornus florida

Sweet Pepperbush
Clethra alnifolia

Lyonia lucida

Oxydendrum arboreum

Trailing Arbutus
Epigaea repens
Diospyros virginiana

Yellow Jessamine
Gelsemium sempervirens

Lamium amplexicaule

Shrubby Savory
Satureja georgiana

Woolly Mullein
Verbascum thapsus

Veronica sp.

Button Bush
Cephalanthus occidentalis

Houstonia pusilla

Eupatorium capillifolium

Rabbit Tobacco
Gnaphalium sp.

Sea-Myrtle; Groundsel Tree
Baccharis halimifolia

Black Knot
Apiosporina morbosa


Water Strider
Gerris sp.

Scarab Hunter Wasp*
Campsomeris sp.

Tiger Beetle
Cicindela tranquebarica

Click Beetle*
Lacon discoidea

Sleepy Orange
Eurema nicippe

Spring Azure
Celastrina ladon

Eastern Snout Butterfly
Libytheana bachmannii

Question Mark
Polygonia interrogationis
American Lady
Vanessa virginiensis

Cricket Frog
Acris sp.

Spring Peeper
Hyla crucifer

Southern Leopard Frog
Rana sphenocephala

Yellow-bellied Slider
Chrysemys scripta

Eastern Box Turtle
Terrapene carolina

Carolina Anole
Anolis carolinensis

Eastern Fence Lizard
Sceloporus undulatus

Banded Water Snake
Nerodia fasciata

Pied-billed Grebe
Podilymbus podiceps

Double-crested Cormorant
Phalacrocorax auritus

Great Blue Heron
Ardea herodias

Canada Goose
Branta canadensis

Anas platyrhynchos

Wood Duck
Aix sponsa

Ring-billed Gull
Larus delawarensis

Turkey Vulture
Cathartes aura

Black Vulture
Coragyps atratus

Red-tailed Hawk
Buteo jamaicensis

Wild Turkey (tracks)
Meleagris gallopavo

Rock Dove; Pigeon
Columba livia

Mourning Dove
Zenaida macroura

Belted Kingfisher
Ceryle alcyon

Red-bellied Woodpecker
Melanerpes carolinus

Downy Woodpecker
Picoides pubescens

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Sphyrapicus varius

Pileated Woodpecker
Dryocopus pileatus

Eastern Phoebe
Sayornis phoebe

Blue Jay
Cyanocitta cristata

American Crow
Corvus brachyrhynchos

Tufted Titmouse
Parus bicolor

Carolina Chickadee
Parus carolinensis

Red-breasted Nuthatch
Sitta canadensis

Brown-headed Nuthatch
Sitta pusilla

Carolina Wren
Thryothorus ludovicianus

Golden-crowned Kinglet
Regulus satrapa

Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Regulus calendula

Eastern Bluebird
Sialia sialis

Hermit Thrush
Catharus guttatus

Northern Mockingbird
Mimus polyglottos

Solitary Vireo
Vireo solitarius

Yellow-rumped Warbler
Dendroica coronata

Pine Warbler
Dendroica pinus

Northern Cardinal
Cardinalis cardinalis

Rufous-sided Towhee
Pipilo erythrophthalmus

Song Sparrow
Melospiza melodia

Dark-eyed Junco
Junco hyemalis

Swamp Sparrow
Melospiza georgiana

Common Grackle
Quiscalus quiscula

House Finch
Cardodacus mexicanus

Eastern Mole
Scalopus aquaticus

Gray Squirrel
Sciurus carolinensis

Eastern Fox Squirrel
Sciurus niger

Gray Fox (tracks)
Urocyon cinereoargenteus

Raccoon (tracks)
Procyon lotor

River Otter (tracks)
Lutra canadensis

Bobcat; Wildcat
Felis rufus

Wild Pig (tracks)
Sus scrofa

White-tailed Deer (tracks)
Odocoileus virginianus
*first time recorded